Easypay Payroll

Easypay Payroll Software - Malta
Easypay Malta Payroll - Welcome Screen

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The best value in payroll software for any small to mid-sized business.


easypay payroll malta main page


Easypay is an advanced, comprehensive payroll software designed in compliance with the Inland Revenue FSS Regulations (Malta).

Easypay is sophisticated and packed with features, yet is easy enough for a novice to use. Simply enter the company and employee information, and Easypay automatically computes each individual’s wages, taxes, and deductions.

Easypay was designed with the user in mind, meaning its operator is able to navigate the program without having to refer to any manual. This was made possible by its easy-to-follow menus, logically sequenced screens, and powerful search and select features.

Main Features

  • Web-based payroll processing
  • Online report viewing and printing
  • Real-time availability of reports
  • Simple processing using minimal number of processing screens
  • Fully compliant with local regulations
  • Automatic SSC and FSS deductions
  • Employee Leave Management
  • Support for Bank Direct Credits
  • Unlimited pay types
  • Unlimited employee categories
  • Unlimited leave types
  • Fully detailed employee history
  • IRD Electronic Lodgements

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to process a payroll?
Easypay was designed with the user in mind – this has enabled the possibility of generating a payroll with only a few mouse clicks, and practically within 3 to 5 minutes!

What about system maintenance and upgrades?
As Easypay is offered as a hosted application, you don't need to worry about system maintenance and upgrades – we take care of that ourselves!

What happens when there are changes to the Tax and Social Security bands / rates?
Again, you don’t need to worry about this – our software engineers will take care of that.

What do I need to use Easypay?
All you need is a PC with Internet access and an Internet browser, plus a subscription to use Easypay.


Should you have any further questions, comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at sales@digico.com.mt.